Friday 11 July 2014

July 11, 2014: A Night in Paradise

Today was a quiet, stay at home and clean kind of day. So we thought a night in paradise was fitting. A night at Paradise Mini-Golf that is. The kids piled in the wagon and we hiked down to the 36 hole oasis. Isaac chose to play the pirate course with the big pirate ship complete with métis and a treasure cove being the big attraction. Isaac was a serious golfer tonight trying hard to sink the putt then claiming a hole in one after six hits. Everett was a hockey style golfer with rapid repeated hits one after the other. Go Happy Gilmore! Makenna gave each hole her best effort; she got everything lined up, gave about three good hits then gave up, picked up the ball and walked to the hole. Then she placed the ball down about six inches from the hole and hit it in. I like her style. After 18 stellar holes of PGA style golf, we had a ride on the bumper boats. Everett was my passenger while Isaac got to pilot his boat rig. While Isaac was busy squirting water at the onlookers we blasted him from behind getting him wet from head to toe. We all got some good shots in and everyone was wet including Nana the photographer on the side lines. Me and my pirates sure had fun at Paradise tonight! We will return for a rematch. 

1 comment:

  1. I'd love to see some pictures if you snapped a couple.
    Isaac - a hole in one!?! Totally awesome!
    Everett - if you see Bob Barker - tell him to stay away from Lucy The Elephant.
    Makenna - well you just plain cute. You can have as many mulligans as you want.
